Be Brave Enough to Set Goals

Can I share something pretty incredible with you?!

We made this “logo” in 2019.

Three years ago, Harrison and I were talking one night about where we wanted to be in the next few years. The next day I designed this logo real quick to save as our screen savers and hang on our white board in our bedroom. Now keep in mind, we had no idea how we were going to get from where we were at that moment to owning a company just three years later. All we knew is that we wanted this to happen.

Fast forward to September 2021, Harrison and I launch our H Bar S Ranch site and social pages. We had really forgotten about this logo design after screen savers changed and the whiteboard was covered with other pictures. Then I came across it again and my jaw dropped to the floor when I read the established year written down. This above logo says EST. 2022 and we registered our business in November of 2021 and are getting our first round of livestock to sell for mid 2022. From 2019 to 2022 we were making conscious and subconscious decisions to get us to this goal we had so clearly envisioned. We had no idea where we needed to start in 2019 to get to where we are now, but we started to surround ourselves with the right influences to get us there.

Could you imagine if Harrison and I talked that one night about all of the things we want to accomplish and neither of us wrote them down? Say we just talked late into the night and chalked it up to, “oh someday. . . Isn’t it fun to dream?” I am so glad we both held each other more responsible than that!

It is one thing to talk about goals, it is another thing to write them down. Something in our brain clicks when we take it from a thought, to speaking it out loud, to writing it down. It becomes a memory etched into our brain. I would like to encourage you to first think about where you want to be in the next 3, 5, even 10 years. Once that version of you and your life is as clear as it can be, write down goals you can work towards on a daily basis. Don’t try to start writing goals down without knowing exactly where you want to be at the end of this year, and the next, and the next, and so forth.

Now does this mean you will hit every goal you set? Goodness no! (If you do, you might need to challenge yourself more.) That is not the point. The point is to get better and better each day, to be able to look back and see how much growth has happened or how much you have progressed on the path you want to take in this life. I think so many people now a days don’t care to set goals because they think, “Oh what is the point. I’ll just try hard at being better. I’ll get there someday. I don’t want to worry about it.” Can we PLEASE be brave enough to set goals? Have the courage to face yourself, to look into the mirror and prove to yourself you can be better and be held more accountable. Yes, it is scary to raise the bar for yourself to a higher standard. Yes, it takes work. Yes, you will change (for the better).

I would like to encourage you to start now. Write something down that you want to start doing today. Without direction in your life, where will you end up? If you want to get to Disneyland, and live 500 miles away you wouldn’t just start driving in your car hoping you’ll get there because you know the general direction. First you would put in google maps where you want to go and a list of directions will populate to take you there. Google will even give you options of the fastest route or one with less turns. Shoot, sometimes I use google maps just to get to a store or restaurant I have been to before! Without these directions, we may get to Disneyland, but it might be closing time or it might take us twice as long. These directions help us make the right choices along the way to avoid tolls, avoid road construction, or to just be able to enjoy the drive.

Let us all take our lives a little more seriously and treat this chance to live as a gift. To use every day we have to get closer and closer to making a difference in our lives and especially the lives we influence around us. Don’t hope for a life you want one day, without taking the necessary steps to get there. Hope is not a work ethic. Hope will not change the outcome in the end, only you will. You have nothing to loose.

Hope is not a work ethic. Hope does not change the outcome of something, you do.


Dandelion Honey


Our Mission